The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Embassy in Rwanda invites bidders to bring their proposals for the Design, Supervision & Contract Administration of the Construction of New Chancery Building, Ambassador Residence, Diplomat Apartment, service quarter, Ancillary (Services) buildings and other facility of the Embassy. Interested bidders with the following pre-qualification criteria can purchase the bidding document for non- refundable fee of 50,000 RWF by visiting the address below.

Bidders Pre-qualification -Grade1 (Category A) Consultant.

More details on the works required are provided in the Bidding Document. The Bid Document is available at the Embassy

Embassy`s address: – of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Rwanda;

Street address       Remera/sector, Nyarutrama cell, Gasabo district KG Av 9, 77

Municipality          Kigali. Town/City: Kigali

Country                  Rwanda

Telephone              (+250)252601057


Bidders can purchase the bidding Document within 30 days starting from 1 November,2024 up to 2 December, 2024.

The Bid Opening Date is indicated in the Standard Bidding Document.

The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to Rwanda reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Disclaimer: The official text of the Embassy Website is the English language version. Any discrepancies or differences created in translations are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes.
